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Some time after dentures soreness and swelling in that gum teeth dentures area, the on gum phann see a distinct white bumps, on the sometimes opaque yellow mucus discharge, sometimes do not see the what

These symptoms show that your tooth may not obtain or marrow treatment but do not meet the requirements should lead to infection, creating a pus in the tooth root tip brought dentures.

Although medication can stop pain after a while but this is not recommended for several reasons: the disease not finalize if only used drugs, patients will be repeated many times and pus in the bone will become increasingly grows and can cause damage to adjacent healthy teeth, not to mention the purchase of drugs (non-prescription) leads to large drug makes it difficult to treat later.

So should the dental clinic to be treated as soon as tot.Vi want treatment but do not break the dentures did, this can be done by surgical measures (a small operation with anesthesia). But it is the decision of the doctor based on specific dental condition and overall health to achieve the best treatment results.